The orange moment in the U-Bahn

The orange moment in the U-Bahn

The orange moment in the U-Bahn 1920 1440 Brian Bjeldbak

A very minimalistic scene: a dark grey wall, a white sign and a person in black/orange clothing. The human eye is first attracted by the brightest spot beeing the sign but then realizes that a person in the opposite part of the image is about to leave the scene.

Contradictions in an image is always good: the sign is perfectly sharp but the person is motion blurred due to the low shutterspeed of 1/20th sec.. The person is looking at something to his right but we can’t see what it is. Maybe something on the tracks?

OLYMPUS OM-D E‑M10 Mark II, 14-42mm II R, 1/20 f/4 @ISO400


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